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Long Island Transplant Recipients International Organization (TRIO) is a non-profit all volunteer organization committed to improving the quality of lives touched by the miracle of transplantation through education, support, advocacy, and organ donation and transplantation awareness.


Each month Long Island TRIO has monthly meetings (virtual due to COVID-19) featuring medical professionals discussing relevant topics to pre or post transplant members.




Monthly Meeting:




September 11th, 2024 


National Volunteer Day â€‹

Honoring those who passed during 9/11


Keynote Speaker 

Dr. Richard Najac

The Eye-Bank for Sight Restoration's

 Medical Advisory Board





Meeting ID: 865 7593 1326
Passcode: 496601




Save the Date:


​September 7th, 2024 

Rose Garden Ceremony 

Join us at 10:30am to honor those who have donated their organs to given the gift of life. 

Eisenhower Park Rose Garden 

Field 6 Opposite Harry Chapin Theatre

RSVP by August 28th


Please contact LI TRIO with volunteer opportunities or to get involved as a volunteer!



Holiday Party 2024


Transplant Life Foundation honored Joy Oppedisano (LI TRIO President) - nominated by Jennifer Lentini. 


Jennifer says, “Joy has been a Member of Long Island TRIO for countless years and I've personally known her since after my transplant for 26 years. She is the President now and makes everyone feel special and important in the organization. Takes time out of her day to be around for any member of the group and even people she may have never met in person yet. Joy has a heart of gold and her compassion is superb. She is not just a hero to me but so many people in each life she touched. Not all heroes wear capes, some genuinely have hearts of gold.”

Long Island TRIO

in association with Hearts For Russ



Gifts of Life: Profiles in Courage from the Transplant Community

Directed by Michael Drucker, Delusions International featuring Shelby Caban, Jennifer Lentini and Jack Cloonan
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